Time snoring
What does this mean for me?

This number is the percentage of the night you spent snoring. The lower the number, the less you snored during the night.
How do we calculate this?
“Time snoring” is how much time you spend snoring, divided by the total time recorded. This is then multiplied by 100 to make it a percentage.

If we’re looking at a 60-second recording, we’d have 6 sections of 10 seconds each.
Let’s say you snored for 12 seconds, starting from the 5th second and ending at the 20th second. That means 5 seconds of snoring in the first section, and 10 seconds in the second section. No snoring in the other sections.
To get the snore intensity, we turn those values into percentages and find their mean. So, a lot of loud snoring in those 20 seconds would give us a high score, around 100%. But if it’s not much snoring, or it’s really quiet, we might get around 0%. If it’s a mix of loud and quiet, maybe around 50%