Understanding Snoring
Why Am I Snoring?
What’s happening to my body?
Should I Worry?
What Is OSA?
How Do I Know If I Snore?
How do I fix it?
About Soundsleep
SoundSleep Features
How It Works
Getting the most out of SoundSleep
Tips for OSA Sufferers
Snore Shop
User Guide
Understanding Snoring
Why Am I Snoring?
What’s happening to my body?
Should I Worry?
What Is OSA?
How Do I Know If I Snore?
How do I fix it?
About Soundsleep
SoundSleep Features
How It Works
Getting the most out of SoundSleep
Tips for OSA Sufferers
Snore Shop
User Guide
SoundSleep Survey
Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.
Your Name
Your Email Address
Your Age
Your Gender
Prefer not to say
Where do you live?
New Zealand
Enter where you live here
My current relationship status is...
In an early relationship or short-term relationship (less than 1 year)
In a stable relationship (1-5 years)
In a long-term relationship or cohabiting (over 5 years)
Married or cohabiting long-term (over 10 years)
Do you have children? (If you have multiple children, select each box that applies.)
I have no children
Newborn to 2 years
3-5 years
6-12 years
13-17 years
I’m downloading SoundSleep because of...
My snoring
My partner's snoring
Neither - just curious to see what the app is like
Is there anything you're particularly curious about? If so, what?
How old is your partner?
What is your partners gender?
Prefer not to say
How long has your partner snored?
Less than 1 year
1-5 years
6-10 years
10 years +
Which statement best describes your partner's experience in finding a solution or improving their sleep quality?
They haven't really started looking for a solution yet.
They’ve just started exploring solutions recently.
They’ve been actively searching for a solution for less than a year.
They’ve tried different products for 1-5 years, but none of them have worked so far.
They’ve been actively searching for a solution for 6-10 years, trying a new product every few years when they remember.
They've tried many products for over 10 years, but nothing at all has worked.
How motivated is your partner to reduce their snoring?
Not motivated at all: Your partner shows no motivation or interest in reducing their snoring.
Slightly motivated: Your partner wants to do something about their snoring, but hasn’t done anything yet.
Moderately motivated: Your partner has actively started looking for solutions.
Highly motivated: Your partner is committed to reducing their snoring and has taken steps to make that happen.
Extremely motivated: Your partner is extremely motivated in their attempt to reduce their snoring.
What’s motivating your partner to reduce their snoring? (Select all that apply).
We’re going on holiday and have to sleep in the same room
They want to sleep in the same bed as me
They feel guilty for disturbing my sleep
They’re concerned about their health
They want better quality sleep
They want to enhance their work performance
They want to avoid daytime tiredness
They’re embarrassed by their snoring, especially when staying away from home
Please explain your partners motivation here.
How loudly and often does your partner snore? Choose the option that best describes their snoring.
Very mild: They snore occasionally, but it's light and doesn't disturb others' sleep.
Mild: They snore most nights, but it's not very loud and doesn't bother others' sleep.
Moderate: They snore regularly with noticeable volume and occasional louder bursts, which disturbs others' sleep.
Severe: Their snoring is loud and frequent throughout the night, often causing disruption to others' sleep.
How would your partner rate the quality of their sleep (or how good their sleep is generally)?
Severe: Their snoring is loud and frequent throughout the night, often causing disruption to others' sleep.
Excellent: They consistently experience deep and restorative sleep, waking up feeling refreshed and energized.
Good: They generally have restful sleep, waking up feeling fairly refreshed most mornings.
Average: Their sleep quality varies; some nights are good, while others are not as restful, leading to occasional tiredness during the day.
Poor: They often struggle with sleep disruptions, such as difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings, or waking up feeling unrefreshed.
Very Poor: Their sleep quality is consistently very poor, with severe disruptions or sleep disorders affecting daily functioning.
How experienced is your partner with health tracking apps and devices, such as Apple Health, Samsung Health, Fitbit, or similar technologies?
They are not experienced with health tracking apps or devices
They have some experience with health tracking apps or devices, but not extensive
They are experienced with health tracking apps and devices, and actively use them to monitor health and fitness
Which app does your partner use to monitor health and fitness?
Has your partner made any changes to their behaviour based on information they obtained from health tracking apps?
Yes, they’ve made significant changes based on the information
Yes, they’ve made some minor changes based on the information
No, they’ve not made any changes based on the information
Please provide an example of how they changed their behaviour.
My partner’s awareness of OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnoea) involves...
They’ve been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)
They think they may have obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)
They have heard of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) but don't know much about it
They have never heard of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)
How long have you snored?
Less than 1 year
1-5 years
6-10 years
10 years +
Which statement best describes your experience in finding a solution or improving your sleep quality?
I haven't really started looking for a solution yet.
I just started exploring solutions recently.
I’ve been actively searching for a solution for less than a year.
I’ve tried different products for 1-5 years, but none of them have worked so far.
I’ve been actively searching for a solution for 6-10 years, trying a new product every few years when I remember.
I’ve tried many products for over 10 years, but nothing at all has worked.
How motivated are you to reduce your snoring?
Not motivated at all: I have no motivation or interest in reducing my snoring.
Slightly motivated: I want to do something about my snoring, but haven’t done anything yet.
Moderately motivated: I’ve actively started looking for solutions.
Highly motivated: I’m committed to reducing my snoring and have taken steps to make that happen.
Extremely motivated: I’m extremely motivated in my attempt to reduce my snoring.
What’s motivating you to reduce your snoring? (Select all that apply).
I’m going on holiday and have to share a room
My partner wants to sleep in the same bed as me
I feel guilty for disturbing my partner’s sleep
I’m concerned about my health
I want better quality sleep
I want to enhance my work performance
I want to avoid daytime tiredness
I’m embarrassed by my snoring, especially when staying away from home
Please explain your motivation here.
How loudly and often do you snore? Choose the option that best describes your snoring.
Very mild: I snore occasionally, but it's light and doesn't disturb others' sleep.
Mild: I snore most nights, but it's not very loud and doesn't bother others' sleep.
Moderate: I snore regularly with noticeable volume and occasional louder bursts, which disturbs others' sleep.
Severe: My snoring is loud and frequent throughout the night, often causing disruption to others' sleep.
How would you rate the quality of your sleep (or how good your sleep is generally)?
Severe: My snoring is loud and frequent throughout the night, often causing disruption to others' sleep.
Excellent: I consistently experience deep and restorative sleep, waking up feeling refreshed and energized.
Good: I generally have restful sleep, waking up feeling fairly refreshed most mornings.
Average: My sleep quality varies; some nights are good, while others are not as restful, leading to occasional tiredness during the day.
Poor: I often struggle with sleep disruptions, such as difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakenings, or waking up feeling unrefreshed.
Very Poor: My sleep quality is consistently very poor, with severe disruptions or sleep disorders affecting daily functioning.
How experienced are you with health tracking apps and devices, such as Apple Health, Samsung Health, Fitbit, or similar technologies?
I’m not experienced with health tracking apps or devices
I have some experience with health tracking apps or devices, but not extensive
I’m experienced with health tracking apps and devices, and actively use them to monitor health and fitness
Which app do you use to monitor health and fitness?
Have you made any changes to your behaviour based on information you’ve obtained from health tracking apps?
Yes, I’ve made significant changes based on the information
Yes, I’ve made some minor changes based on the information
No, I’ve not made any changes based on the information
Please provide an example of how you’ve changed your behaviour.
My awareness of OSA (Obstructive Sleep Apnoea) involves...
I’ve been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)
I think I may have obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)
I’ve heard of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) but don't know much about it
I’ve never heard of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)
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By submitting this survey, you hereby acknowledge and agree that the information you provide may be used by Passion For Life Healthcare (UK) Limited for research, analysis, and related purposes. Your responses will be treated with confidentiality and will be anonymized in any publications or presentations derived from this research. Your participation is voluntary, and you can withdraw at any time. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.